Toy Floam Glider to R/C Glider

August 22, 2018
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Looks like sh#!, flies Meh. Loads of fun.

Google search ‘toy foam glider to R/C’, and click the video results. Or don’t, and spare yourself the time suck. It’s not rocket surgery after all. Just hot glue, re-purposed electronics, and packaging tape.

While Our Dear Leader Goose hates large foam objects, maybe because they resemble airborne predators, I hoard them anyway, and build uber cheap DIY R/C Gliders.

Here is an abbreviated version of all those aforementioned videos.
Buy $9 Wally World Toy Foam Glider.
Act like an excited child in Wally World.
Borrow mother’s or girlfriend’s hot glue gun, and hot glue sh#! together.
Add lots of packaging tape for hinges and holding crap together.
Hot glue some old servos and DIY horns from leftover balsa or basswood remnants.
Make control surfaces out of dollar store foam board.
Most Add an ESC, motor, and motor mount, but gliders are good fun too.
Add FlySky Radio and Receiver, and 5v battery for on-board electronics.

I’ve only done two things differently than most.
1.) I scrapped the packaging tape hinges and 3D printed some instead. They were applied with hot glue, of course.
2.) I also gutted a Dynex brand 2200mah power bank. It was exactly what I expected, a voltage booster and charge controller on an 18650 3.7v battery. There were other options to power the receiver and servos, but I bought quite a few of these on sale for 4.99 a piece at Best Buy with a gift card, not knowing what I’d use them for later.

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